RENFE's Rodalíes are reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office for risking train users' health

Activist platform Xnet calls on those affected to send in documentation

Els trens de Rodalies no circularan per l'Estació de França durant unes hores
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BarcelonaPublic rail transport puts users' health at risk and infringes their rights. This is the opinion of the platform of activists led by Simona Levi, Xnet, which has filed a complaint against Rodalíes with the Barcelona Provincial Prosecutor's Office, as well as with the Catalan Consumer Agency, calling for investigations and records to be opened. In addition, she has initiated several proceedings against the liable administrations and holders because she considers that neither Renfe - the operator -, nor Adif - the owner of the infrastructure -, nor the Generalitat - the owner of the service -, nor the ministries in charge have taken the necessary measures to ensure that social distancing is guaranteed and risks when travelling are minimized.

Likewise, the platform has called on users to document the situation with images and tickets, and send the material to Xnet or post it on Twitter with the hashtag #renfecovid, in order to open new complaints.

With the aim of improving the current situation, Xnet has sent letters to the Minister of Transport, José Luis Ábalos, the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, the Minister of Territory, Damià Calvet, and the Minister of Health, Alba Vergés.

The platform urges the administrations and the railway companies to take responsibility for the situation. "The measures announced have been aimed at making users responsible for not using public transport at peak times without increasing the capacity and frequency of trains or establishing any reference for the occupation of the means of transport, contrary to what has been done in almost all the countries around us", they say in a statement. Furthermore, Xnet denounces a democracy which currently works "at two speeds, according to economic possibilities", which harms certain sectors such as the hospitality industry, as well as people who cannot telework because they have to travel to their workplace or attend to other people.
